Saturday, January 18, 2014


We decided to do a little shopping this morning and returned after noon with a few goodies in tow.  Thom and I had exchanged a few homemade "gift certificates" for items we thought the other would like but did not want to pick out on our pin striping, interior wood finish for Thom's dashboard, charm bracelets and the like.  Although well intended sometimes these gifts never come to acquisition and get traded for other more wanted possessions.

The one item I had developed a deep desire to own was a towel warmer! Sounds nuts but I perceived that as the ultimate in luxury (and because our towels are always cold and ruin the pleasure of a hot shower). I had clipped coupons and wanted to finally head to BBB and purchase one. Surprise.....Thom had already bought one and had it hidden away as a future gift. I so appreciated his thoughtfulness but wanted it NOW and convinced him I would remember it when the time came that the gift was due.

We treated ourselves to new fluffy, soft bath sheets though and after a busy afternoon of chores I got in the shower......ahhhhh! Very nice.

Footie pj's, coffee and maybe some DVR'd favorites......

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