Monday, July 28, 2014


Haircut at 9 this morning. Good way to start a day since my dear friend Karen is my beautician (is that word still used?).

Thom put on his nautical mechanic's hat today and toiled for hours repairing the pontoon engine. We went out for a trial spin this afternoon and sadly the problem has not been solved. The engine must be disassembled......a job best postponed for the weekend after the kid's visit on Thursday.

Our church is in the market for a new youth minister and as a member of the finance committee I attended a meeting this evening regarding salary issues. Home by 8:30.

Relaxing and addressing envelopes for Miracle Hill banquet information on their way to local politicians. It's an election year, hoping they'll want to show up, shake hands and write big donation checks.

Calling it a day.......

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