Monday, February 29, 2016

A Variety......

Thom was summoned to CPC Friday for a taste testing in order to select this years banquet menu (one of the perks of board membership). That was pretty much the highlight of the day.....a good thing.

Saturday we spent in Gastonia just hanging out with the kids and grands and closing the day watching Brian play basketball and help his team to the final victory of the season. Playoffs to follow.

A relatively quiet Sunday with chores and a walk between church and church. A bit warmer temps allowed Thom to get the filthy cars washed and we even had the chance to open the doors for fresh air.

Bright and early today we were at the plastic surgeons office and in short order the doctor had removed the totally benign cyst from Thom's chin and we were on the road. A few shopping stops and he is home napping in the recliner.....hurting a bit but other than not shaving for 2 week he should be absolutely fine.

Projected 68 degree day so looking forward to a pleasant walk after lunch......

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