Thursday, September 24, 2015

Candidate Carly......

A former client returned yesterday pregnant with her second child. One of my sweetest girls who curtailed her participation when she got her college degree 2 years ago and began a full time job. She loves the Lord, loves her husband and son and I love her!

Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina visited CPC this morning so Thom and I were there bright and early to help where we could with preparations. Since she is now a top tier candidate (#3 in the polls) there was both local and national media coverage. Alexia was interviewed by the NY Times, MSNBC and NPR plus other outlets. Obviously views from those organizations on the sanctity of life are in direct opposition to Christianity but their ambassadors were polite and as always they were graciously and lovingly welcome to our facility. Carly accepted an invitation to witness an ultrasound for one of our clients and it was a God ordained experience. To our knowledge she had never actually been present for one and she was visibly moved by the activity and heartbeat of the 18 week baby. In addition all the media was invited into the room and many were quite obviously touched by the visual and audio testament to life. What a blessing.

She spoke eloquently and forcefully about the desolate condition of American character and each attendee became an immediate supporter. I love that we have this unique opportunity to meet and speak to all these potential presidents on a personal level.

Banquet on tonight's schedule to raise funds for Benjamin House (an orphanage being built in Uganda which will be pastored by a Spartanburg preacher who is permanently relocating his entire family there for that purpose). Good cause in the company of good friends.

A bit of exercise before it's time to go........

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