Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Let's Go Mets........

Thom golfed in an Impact Sports fundraiser at one of the fancier courses in this area on Monday. He left bright and early and returned at 8 p.m.. Long day of cold, wind and rain. The beauty of the course was lost in the nasty weather but he and his fellow competitors toughed it out. Can you imagine $3000 a team to play? (it goes without saying Thom's team was sponsored!).

He took his turn at home yesterday while I spent a MOPS morning and a Miracle Hill afternoon. Both of us stayed awake for the 14 innings of Mets/Royals baseball.....a depressing loss at 1:20 a.m.!

Facing a day on not much sleep I was blessed by all my 4 clients keeping their appointments. It was a great day and the time flew. Thom's seniors were rained out .....ugh. An easy meal and off to church for a "meet and greet" with our prospective youth minister. Seems like a nice guy with a sweet wife and new baby.

Home to cheer for a Met's victory.

Play ball.......

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