Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Not Abandoned.....

It has been a long time since I have updated. How about I just catch up with bullet points noting only those items of genuine interest. That method should allow this post to be brief (LOL).
 - I began an 8 week Bible Study at CPC with a group of clients and mentors....examining our "thought closet" and how Satan deceives us.
- had our pictures taken for the new church directory.....hate having my picture taken.
- Thom flew to Florida on the 17th, stayed a few days and drove my mother and aunt back home to Gastonia on the 21st.
-numerous days at CPC, MOPS and Miracle Hill.
-blessed to participate in a Maundy Thursday service at Janice and Steve's church. Steve played the part of Matthew in the Last Supper presentation.....touched our souls.
-Easter sunrise service and SS. Day at Janice's with the Tarantinos, the Bishops and mom and AJ. Great day.

That brings us to today. Thom had a church meeting while I was at MOPS. By 5 ish we were at CPC for the launch of the men's ministry. It was an amazing evening far exceeding our expectations. But isn't that the way our God does things? 12 couples came for BBQ and fellowship and were introduced to our vision of involving fathers in a mentoring program. The time was spent sharing and laughing and ended with blessings galore!

So, that's the last 2 weeks in a nutshell.......

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