Monday, June 22, 2015

Unsung Hero......

Saturday was  a full day of cleaning, getting everything in "ship shape" for Thom's return from his 4 day golf trip. He had a great time with his buds but the heat was almost intolerable and I think they will think twice next year about going further south. 

Worship and another teaching day in SS for me. We joined the throngs of folks celebrating their dads at City Range restaurant. Thom was the only father in our group....Alexia and her mom, our friends Joy and Mike made up our tiny party and we had a ball. Loads of laughter and stories to share. It wouldn't be a trip to Spartanburg without a Walmart run then home to lawn mowing and a long float in the pool.

The day concluded with a light dinner and an evening of TV golf for Thom. Kind of a strange Father's Day.....seems things have changed since we no longer host the gala event on this day of recognition. 

I love and honor my sweet, giving husband for the father, step father and grandfather he is. He's an amazing man.

Thank You dear Lord for being my Heavenly Father and allowing me to share the life of this Godly man on earth.....

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