Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Days Whiz By.......

If I remember correctly we just chilled on Saturday.

We enjoyed a typical Sunday with the addition of seeing the "War Room" between morning and evening church. What an inspirational, motivating and stirring movie. We loved it! It was a testimony to the amazing power of prayer and how faith and grace can change lives. 

Monday was dedicated to cleaning and food shopping. Exciting.....not. Mets win.....exciting......yes!

Yesterday was MOPS meeting in the morning. It was an a.m. of mission speakers highlighting CPC and Miracle Hill. Approximately 75 girls attended and heard from Becky and Debra about the Lord's work being taking place at the 2 ministries I love. I spent the afternoon at the shelter buried in files and forms then home to dinner and sadly a Mets loss.

Blessed day at CPC as well as a great weather day for Thom and his golfers.

Off to prayer service......

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